
Please select the items you wish to purchase, by placing the desired quantity in the box below each item. Various items can be combined and purchased together. Select all of the items that you want and continue to the next step. Additional information and confirmations will appear on the following pages.
Registration Fees
More Individual Player
Note This price expires in 29 days.

● 18 Holes of golf ● One (1) lunch ticket

More Golf Foursome- 4 Players Included
Note This price expires in 29 days.

● Team of four players ● 18 holes of golf ● One (1) lunch ticket per player

More Presenting Sponsor - Sold Out - 2 Teams Included
  • Team of four players - -18 Holes Of Golf
  • Sign w/Company Recognition At Hole Tee
  • Your Business Signage displayed at check-in
  • Logo on Banner at Boathouse for 1 year
  • 2x3 Signage displayed on traveling boat trailer - 1 year
  • Major Logo Presence On Flyers/Posters & Social Media
  • Logo On Website -1 year
  • Opportunity To Include Items In Goodie Bags
  • Speaking opportunity during welcome remarks
  • One (1) Lunch Ticket Per Player
More Platinum Golf Package - 1 Team Included
Note Only 3 available.
  • Team of four players - -18 Holes Of Golf
  • Sign w/Company Recognition At Hole Tee
  • Your Business Signage displayed at check-in
  • Logo on Banner at Boathouse for 1 year
  • 2x3 Signage displayed on traveling boat trailer - 1 year
  • Major Logo Presence On Flyers/Posters & Social Media
  • Logo On Website -1 year
  • Opportunity To Include Items In Goodie Bags
  • Speaking opportunity during welcome remarks
  • One (1) Lunch Ticket Per Player


More Gold Golf Package - 1 Team Included
Note Only 3 available.
  • Team of four players- -18 Holes Of Golf
  • Sign w/Company Recognition At Hole Tee
  • Your Business Signage displayed at check-in
  • Recognition On Flyers/Posters & Social Media
  • Logo On Website - 6 months
  • Opportunity To Include Items In Goodie Bags
  • Speaking opportunity during welcome remarks
  • One (1) Lunch Ticket Per Player
More Silver Golf Package - 2 Players Included
Note Only 2 available.
  • Two players -18 Holes Of Golf
  • Sign w/Company Recognition At Hole Tee
  • Recognition on Social Media
  • Logo on Website - 3 months
  • Opportunity To Include Items In Goodie Bags
  • One (1) Lunch Ticket Per Player

(Logo signage/recognition is digital only for purchases after 10/13)

More Lunch Sponsor - Sold Out - 1 Team Included
  • Team of four players - 18 Holes of Golf
  • Sign with company logo displayed at check-in
  • Logo on 4+ racing shell for 1 year
  • Major logo presence on social media
  • Logo on website - 1 year
  • Speaking opportunity during welcome remarks
  • Opportunity to include items in goodie bags
  • One (1) lunch ticket per player
More Beer Sponsor - Sold Out - 2 Players Included
  • Two players - 18 Holes of Golf
  • Sign with company logo displayed at check-in
  • Major logo presence on social media
  • Logo on website - 1 year
  • Speaking opportunity during welcome remarks
  • Opportunity to include items in goodie bags
  • One (1) lunch ticket per player
More Scorecard Sponsor
Note Only 1 available.
  • Your Business Logo/Signage On Each Golf
  • Score Card In Each Cart
  • Your Business Logo/Signage On Each Goodie Bag
  • Logo On Website - 3 months
  • Opportunity To Include Items In Goodie Bags
More Soft Drink Sponsor
Note Only 1 available.
  • Your Business Signage displayed at check-in
  • Your Business Signage displayed at boathouse for 6
  • Recognition on Social Media
  • Opportunity To Include Items In Goodie Bags
More Driving Range Sponsor
Note Only 1 available.
  • Sign w/Company Recognition on the driving range will
    give your company high visibility to business executives
    and decision-makers on tournament day.
  • Opportunity To Include Items In Goodie Bags

(Logo signage/recognition is digital only for purchases after 10/13)

More Interactive Hole Sponsor
Note Only 3 available.
  • Opportunity To Set Up At Hole Tee & Greet
  • Each Player; Pass Out Promo Item
  • Sign w/Company Recognition At Hole Tee
More Closest to the Pin Sponsor - Sold Out
  • Provide Fee Amount Listed Above, And A Prize Valued At
  • Sponsoring Hole - designated by Wekiva Golf Club
  • Sign w/Company Recognition At Hole Tee

(Logo signage/recognition is digital only for purchases after 10/13)

More Longest Drive Hole Sponsor - Sold Out
  • Provide Fee Amount Listed Above, And A Prize Valued At
  • Sponsoring Hole- designated by Wekiva Golf Club
  • Sign w/Company Recognition At Hole Tee
More Vendor Village
Note Only 4 available.
  • Sign with Company Recognition
  • Opportunity to Highlight your Company and Services


More Hole Sponsor
Note Only 28 available.
  • Sign with company recognition at hole tee

(Logo signage/recognition is digital only for purchases after 10/13)

In-Kind Donations
More Donation

Please consider a charitable donation if you cannot attend

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is: what are you doing for others?"